Character Interview with Lauren

Lauren from Allen Brokken’s Towers of Light series is on the blog today, sharing fun insights—including what’s on her bucket list. Towers of Light is a middle-grade Christian fantasy series. The fifth book in the series, Wellspring of Life, released on November 4th. (Details about the launch tour and a giveaway after the interview.)

What skill or hobby do you think is underrated, and why do you think it deserves more attention?

Lauren: I think knowing how to make bread properly is highly underrated. Keeping the yeast growing just right is hard to do when the weather changes all the time. Then you have to get just the right mix of ingredients for the weather. If it just rained and it’s really humid the bread can get really sticky and not rise right. Then you have to feed the oven just the right amount of wood to not get too hot and burn the bottom. Mother is so good at it, but when she went away to find Father I was too afraid I’d mess it up to try.

Would you rather speak all languages or be able to talk with animals? How would you use that ability?

Lauren: In Zoura most people speak the same language so I’d really love to talk to animals. I’d like to know once and for all what’s going on in Meow Meow’s little brain. Sometimes I think he’s being naughty just because he’s so cute and he knows he’ll get away with it. If I could speak kitten, I think I could get the truth out of him. It would be a lot of fun to be able to talk to Daddy Duck and Sparkle Frog too. I think if I could speak their language we might be able to come up with some fun pranks to play on the boys. All in good fun of course.

What do you most appreciate about your brothers?

Lauren: I really appreciate that Aiden can build all the things he can. The way he fixed the windmill sure saved us a lot of time, and then there was the trap for the Knight Protector. He’s so ingenious that way. What I like about Ethan is he’s always remembering what the good book says at just the right time to remind us. There have been some times when I feel like we would have really done the wrong thing without him to remind us.

What’s something people don’t know about you?

Lauren: The boys always tell me what I great leader I am, helping them do things and fight the darkness. But I don’t feel all that much like I’m a great leader. When we were fighting the fish on the river, I didn’t want to be in charge. I didn’t even want to fight any more. It was so hard. I just wanted Father to come and scoop me up and protect me. I’m so glad God helped us through that tough time.

What’s something new you’ve learned about yourself since your family started the journey to light the tower in Blooming Glenn?

Lauren: I’ve learned that just because I’m the leader doesn’t mean that I can solve every problem or that I should even try. I’ve learned to listen to all kinds of people with lots of different ideas so that we can make the best choice. Sometimes that’s hard because people don’t see the world the way I do. So I’ve learned to pray a lot to listen for God’s still small voice when I can’t decide who is right, and that sets the right past.

What item on your bucket list do you most want to check off?

Lauren: Bucket list? I guess I’ve never really thought about buckets that much. Let me think about it… What I think would make a great bucket to have would be one shaped so Meow Meow can’t knock it over while I’m milking our cow clarabelle.

Who would win in a Super Fight between a pack of egg-stealing prairie dogs with and big foot?

Lauren: Those Prairie Dogs for sure. There are always alot of them, and they get pretty vicious when the darkness is around. I think they would dig out the ground to make a sink hole and then get the Big Foot to chase them into their trap. You’ve got be careful around those no-good-egg-stealin’ prairie dogs.

Thank you for stopping by, Lauren! I’m excited to see what comes next.

Grab a copy of Allen Brokken’s Wellspring of Life to experience the adventure as Lauren and her brothers take on the Darkness. (Use my affiliate code for 10% off: KA2022.)

About Allen

Allen Brokken is a teacher at heart, a husband and father most of all. He’s a joyful writer by the abundant grace of God. He began writing the Towers of Light series for his own children to help him illustrate the deep truths of the Bible in an engaging and age appropriate way. He’s dedicated 15 years of his life to volunteer roles in children’s ministry and youth development. Now that his own children are off to college he’s telling stories and sharing clean humor on social media @allenbrokkenauthor, and through his blog

Blog Tour & Giveaway

For tour stops and to enter the $50 Amazon gift card giveaway, visit Celebrate Lit’s website:

Thanks to Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Text for hosting #IMWAYR. Check out the other It’s Monday! What Are You Reading posts!

Published by K.A. Cummins

K.A. Cummins is an author and illustrator. In addition to her published stories, her work has been featured by Havok Publishing, Rattle, and Blue Mesa Review.

2 thoughts on “Character Interview with Lauren

  1. What fun to have an interview with a character! I liked when she answered with real-world answers in her time of long ago!

    1. As an author I do alot of interviews, but I have to say this was one of the most enjoyable. Especially the bucket list answer. There was a scene I had to cut in the the first book in the series Light of Mine, where the kitten causes the bucket to get knocked over. So I figured that would be Lauren’s biggest concern about buckets. ;)

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